
Showing posts from October, 2020

McGruff Safe Kits: Licensed Child Identification Kits in Canada and the U.S.

Every year, thousands of cases of child abduction are recorded in Canada and the United States of America. People register complaints about their children gone missing from the park or the school premises. Your child is your responsibility, but you can’t always be around them for their safety. Post your child’s birth, you must always take all necessary measures that can help you in the future to handle such a situation if it ever occurs in your life. The government has given some institutes the authority to make child identification kits that can help you and the authorities to track down your child if they ever get abducted.  In 1992, McGruff Safe Kits officially got its license from the National Crime Prevention Council. They introduced safety kits that taught children and parents about safety in a fun and friendly manner. The aim of the kit is not only to educate parents and children about child safety, but it is a free child fingerprint kits for law enforcement that also recor...

Protect and Enhance the Safety of your Child with Identification Kits

Are you parents to one or more beautiful kids? If yes, you would agree that they are the center of your world. Everything that you do whether it is buying your groceries or making a huge investment, you always think about how it will benefit your children in the long run. As a parent, you always want only the best for your child. But when it comes to the safety of your child, why is it that you feel it is okay to be relaxed and not worry about it?   Yes, this question might seem to unsettle you, and rightly so. The number of crimes against children has increased exponentially over the past few years. Every day you hear unfortunate news about a child getting abducted and a slow investigation that follows the search. But have you thought why there is a lag in the investigation of such cases? It is because of the lack of information about the child. And this is where using  national child identification program id kit  are important.  These kits are meant to help parent...

Protect and Enhance the Safety of your Child with Identification Kits

Are you parents to one or more beautiful kids? If yes, you would agree that they are the center of your world. Everything that you do whether it is buying your groceries or making a huge investment, you always think about how it will benefit your children in the long run. As a parent, you always want only the best for your child. But when it comes to the safety of your child, why is it that you feel it is okay to be relaxed and not worry about it?  Yes, this question might seem to unsettle you, and rightly so. The number of crimes against children has increased exponentially over the past few years. Every day you hear unfortunate news about a child getting abducted and a slow investigation that follows the search. But have you thought why there is a lag in the investigation of such cases? It is because of the lack of information about the child. And this is where using  national child identification program id kit  are important.  These kits are meant to help parents...

Keep Your Kids Safe with McGruff Safe Kits

A parent can never be too careful when it comes to a child’s safety. It’s just that criminal activities like kids kidnapping and missing are increasing so rapidly. This is a matter of concern. And why shouldn’t it be? After all, even the thought of losing the child spends a chill down your spine. So, what should be done now? You can, of course, not forbid your child from going out and playing with his/her friends neither you can accompany them everywhere.  This means that you have to look for a creative solution. And you know what? We know exactly what might help you. It is  child fingerprint kits for law enforcement . Yes, such kits exist, and only for the safety of innocent children who are the future of this world. The basic purpose of such a kit is that it helps you to keep a record of your child’s crucial information like eye color, height, DNA, weight, blood type, fingerprint, and photos. Also, you can update the picture from time to time to keep a clear record of your k...